Saturday, September 6, 2008

More Cali Pictures

Here are some more pictures from Shellie and I's trip...

Outside Angels Stadium! We had driven FOREVER in rush hour traffic so we were so relieved to finally be there!

Since we have always dreamed of going to Angels game..we were pretty excited! Little did I know Shellie was about to make me miss the 7th inning stretch....To say that I was devastated is an understatement!!! :)

Hollywood Walk of Fame...This is Tim McGraw's star, even though you can't see it!

Outside the Kodak Theater before our tour! Very cool!!!!

At the Hollywood and Highland shopping center next to the Kodak Theater... (The Hollywood sign is in the back, if you look close)

Santa Monica Pier

We went on the NBC Studio tour and since I love "Days of Our Lives" this was really cool

The waiting room of "ER"

The was really cloudy and windy! But we were still excited to be there!!!!!


Jessica said...

You look so pretty in all those pictures! I can't believe you went to central perk! I wish I could have come.

Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...

you look so pretty suzcat!
I come in 7 days.
Promise we will hang?

Unknown said...

I miss you!!! It looks like you had so much fun in California! It almost feels like I was there! Love the pics.!

Shellie said...

*Singing* Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if I ever get back, for its root, root, root for the Angels, if they don't win its a shame, for its one, two, three strikes your out at the old ball game!! There you told me I had to sing it since I made you miss it. Sorry!! :)