Monday, April 21, 2008

Tag your It!


A. Post the rules
B. Answer all the questions about yourself
C. After you are done posting, tag 5 people

1. What were you doing 10 years ago? 10 years ago I was 12 and I guess that means I was in 6th grade in Mrs Sackaguchi (I still can’t spell it). And because it was 10 years a go I have no idea anything I liked or did. But I probably had a crush on some dumb boy, which I was too afraid to talk too!

2. Five things on your to do list today-

  1. Start my LAST paper of the semester
  2. Clean the bathroom at my apartment
  3. Edit my group paper due tomorrow
  4. Go to the Grocery Store
  5. Maybe take a nap!

I don’t usually take naps but today is the calm before the storm and only one of the two days I don’t work this week

3. Snacks I enjoy- Ice Cream, Cheesecake, Chips and dip, candy (I think it would have been easier to just say sugarJ)

4. What would I do if suddenly I were a billionaire? First I would quit my job at The Home Depot, and then I would move to Europe, probably Italy or Salzburg. Find an amazing man and live happily ever after.

5. 3 bad habits- Biting my fingernails, I’m a loud breather when I sleep, (Jessica can attest to this), being able to go an entire day without eating anything with nutritional value.

6. 5 places I've lived- Utah, New York, Utah, Idaho, and Utah

7. 5 jobs I've had- Western Watts!, Bath and Body Works, Rexburg Opinion Center, Macys (department store), and The Home Depot!!

8. 5 things people don't know about me-

1. I’m graduating next Friday (sort of)

2. This summer I’m going to Disneyland and Phoenix

3. I love Kenny Chesney. (Like slightly obsessed kind of love J)

4. I have frequent snack attacks...thank you sonic!

5. I’m totally AWESOME!

I tag Liz, Lindsay, Ashleigh, Megan Johnson, and Jessica (I know you don’t want to but you will b/c you love me),