This post has been a long time coming. I just needed to put a little time between the event and this post. Not that I didn't think it was HILARIOUS when it happened but I was (and still am) a little embarrassed about this. If we are close and you haven't heard this story don't be offended only a handful of people know..... until now!
You may know that I love to ski. I skied pretty much every saturday this last winter and I LOVED it! I like to ski blues with an occasional black. Skiing is the most challenging thing I like to do. It is physically hard and mentally taxing. Earlier this winter (I can't remember when, I blocked it out, I think January) My friend Leah and I decided to go skiing. We had heard such great things about Snow Basin that we wanted to give it a try however I am a Park City girl through and through but I was willing to try.
The day started out with us realizing the DEW tour was there that day which means a bunch of punk-a** teenagers thinking they were on the dew tour and recklessly skiing/boarding down the mountain. I almost got taken out by 3 boarders the first run... it was intense and it rattled me. We continued through our day on blue runs that were steeper then the blues we were used to but we prevailed. Leah fell a few times so she was feeling shaken. After lunch we skied a run that took us to this lift that we had to take back up to the top of this really steep part of the mountain. We were tired and it was getting late so we followed the signs that said EASIEST WAY DOWN. These two guys on snowboards were having a very hard time and one almost went off the cliff. There wasn't a lot of snow so we were skiing on rocks (it cost Leah $50 after to fix her pitted skis, luckily I rented). We got to this run called Dan's. It was steep and narrow and a few weird pitches. I was not looking forward to this and Leah looked down right terrified. I didn't know how I was going to make it down without breaking a leg and that is just not an option for me.... ever. So Leah, being much older and wiser then me, decided she would just call snow patrol and get a snowmobile to come get us down the mountain all in one piece. I was not loving this idea but I was really not loving the idea of skiing down and possibly breaking something. So I let her call.
As we waited for the snowmobile we laughed about how funny we are and how embarrassing this is and then the ski patrol showed up pulling the toboggan. I looked at him and said and where is the snowmobile? He told me we were too high up to get them up there so this was our way down and his partner would be hear shortly. Well Leah just got to sit on the padding and hold on while he pulled her down but because I only have 1 arm and can't hold on he made me lay down and get wrapped up in all the covering so I wouldn't fly out. I was mortified but I couldn't stop laughing. The guy was super nice and we got down the mountain very fast. I couldn't wait to get out. And then he stopped. In the middle of the DEW tour crowd. THOUSANDS of people staring at me thinking I was unconscious, broken, bleeding, etc. anything but just a wuss. He told me he couldn't get through the crowd so I would just have to ski the last .25 mile to the lodge. So... Still laughing in hysterics I popped my skis on and skied down and found Leah (Her guy took her through the crowd and saved her the humiliation).
So that is my story! I had to be brought down from the top of Snow Basin bundled in a Toboggan pulled by ski patrol. I am cool I know!
4 years ago
Way to make an entrance/exit, Suzy! That's hilarious.
That's a great story! It makes me miss skiing all the time... I love snow basin, and dans run is actually one of my favorite runs! But dew tour is not a great time to go, you'll have to give the resort another try.
Mom asked me tonight, "Did you know about Suzy and the sled?" I laughed and told her you didn't tell her because you didn't want her to feel bad.
I'm glad you told other. It is a healing process!
Are you even kidding me?! That is hilarious!
All I have to say is that is totally something I would do! Except knowing me, I really would be hurt and bleeding! Ha!
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