Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Scale and A Crazy Neighbor!!!

So I do embarrassing and stupid things every once in a while! I just wanted to share a few of these experiences with you all because sometimes you just need to take one for the team and let others laugh with you! So here we go....

1. As you know I just moved. I share a bathroom with Andi. Well she has a scale in the bathroom and I haven't brought mine up yet so I got curious and wanted to what I weighed on her scale, to see whose is right. Well the scale just looks like a simple digital scale, not complicated. Well it is... its actually pretty hi tech! So I got on the scale and it showed me a weight that CLEARLY was not mine... like I would need to go eat some chocolate cake to celebrate if that was my weight! and then it showed me a weight that was more like mine and then it showed me the difference between the 2. So basically what happened was it showed Andi's SAVED weight and then mine and then the difference. So it said that Andi had gained that much weight since her last weigh in.... and then the next time she weighed it will tell her she lost all that weight.... I know that was hard to follow and I hope you got it because it really is so funny! Trust me to get caught using someone else's scale!! Ha ha ha!!!

2. Jessica has a neighbor that is a little bit off and he comes over to visit her ALL the time like 3 or 4 times a day. Well, I was babysitting on saturday and Graham and I had just gotten home from a walk when he knocked at the door. I looked and saw that it was him and I didn't want to answer so I let him knock. Well after a minute I heard the door start unlocking and I just started thinking "They gave him a key? are you even freaking kidding!!!" so I hurried and opened the door, because I didn't want him to get it unlocked and see me standing there dumbfounded, and I blurted something out like..."Oh sorry I was in the back and didn't hear you" Well after that he proceeded to hand me the keys that I had just used to get inside and left them in the door... HELLO, I'm a dork!

If you finished reading these I hope you at least got a chuckle!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

New Apartment!!!

So I finally moved back to Salt Lake! My sweet friend Lance came and helped me, I honestly couldn't have done it with out him!!! I really like my room. I live with 4 other girls that I am trying to get to know. They all kind of do there own thing and aren't home very much, but I'm ok with that! Here are some pics of my new place!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What a week....

This has been quite the week for me! I know that all of you that work full time will want to tell me to cowboy up, but this my blog and I can post what I want :)

A few weeks ago I got hired at The University of Utah in there temp department. I decided to go this route because I can't get seem to get another job that I want and I honestly don't know what I want to be when I grow-up. Well they needed to do a background check and I had to take a drug test (which was easier said then done, but eventually I did it). So all of this was taking a few weeks to process and then once this came back I had to wait to find an assignment that I liked.

So Thursday I applied for this temp job at the Utah Diabetes Center in Research Park and they called me Monday and told me I was chosen (I honestly think I was the only one that applied, but that doesn't matter). She wanted to know when I could start and I told them Wednesday because I wanted just a few more days of freedom. So I spent Monday and Tuesday with Jessica and Graham. We went to Wal-mart, which she will only go to with me and a delicious lunch at Cafe Fresh!

When Wednesday came it was a blizzard!!! So my sweet, wonderful, fabulous brother in law Marty decided he would drive me up to Salt lake for my first day, he saved my life! The roads were so bad and it was snowing so hard I was terrified! Thanks Marty!!!!

My first day was overwhelming, like most 1st days are. I left feeling like I was never going to remember that. But it is slowly coming. I work in Medical Records at the Clinic on the pediatric side and basically get all the charts ready for the doctors. Its more confusing then it sounds, but it will be fine!

After work on Wednesday I went to dinner at a friends and then hung out with another friend so I didn't get home until late and then the next day I decided to take the bus up and that was ok but very long. Then that night I went to the friends and family night at the new theater in Orem that my brother Scott designed. It is amazing and I am so proud of him!!!

Needless to say, going to bed at 11 and waking up at 5 is NOT enough sleep for me. I think it is slowly killing me! A 3 hour commute is a little much for me so I will be moving to Salt Lake again on Saturday and I am soooooo excited! It will save me so much time and I am pretty sure that working full time won't be as bad when it isn't as long.

Ok, I am done rambling and complaining and will try to post something more exciting soon!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

I really love Halloween and this year was one of the BEST that I can remember since I stopped trick-o-treating!!! To start off the season Jessica had a HUGE birthday/Halloween Party for Graham because he turned 1! Everybody dressed up and it was a blast!!! Here are some pictures that I stole from Jessica's blog:

Graham was REALLY not in to the giant cupcake or all the people watching him!!!

And then last night Liz invited me to her friend Laura's family Halloween party. And it was a blast!! Everybody dressed up and had really cute ideas!!!

Me, CC, and Liz

CC was the $700Billion Bailout, it was a really clever Idea and Liz was a Pirate Wench, and looked So CUTE!!!