Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Come On Down...

So on Monday my sister's sister-in-law invited us to go to a taping of the Price is Right in L.A. I was so excited the night before that I could barely sleep. I remember watching that show everyday during the summer's growing up. Channel 2 at 10:00! So to finally have the opportunity to go was AMAZING!!!! We left Meg's house around 10:45 and drove down to the city. we had to be there by noon so we figured the taping was at 1:00pm...NOPE, try 4:00pm. So we had to wait on these benches for hours, luckily there was this snack bar to buy food because we weren't prepared to wait that long. Around 2 :30 they start to interview people to see who they are going to pick! Once we were inside i was surprised at how small the studio was. The show that we went to was there Halloween show so they gave a lot of cool stuff... like 4 cars and trips and stuff. It was fun because the lady right next to us got picked and ended up winning a car and a trip and going on to the showcase, but she overbid! And Drew Carrey was so funny and talked a lot to the audience, which I thought was good. Overall a very fun day!


Lindsay Ross said...

I am 100% jealous

Jene and Megan said...

How fun!! Although, I'm not a big fan of Drew Carey...I wish I could've gone when Bob Barker was still there. Oh well! I'm glad you had that opportunity!

Jessica said...

That is so funny! I wish you would have been very enthusiastic so you could have been picked. You are very smart with money. I know you would have done well.

Shellie said...

T-Minus 3 days! I don't know if I can make it.

Hey Ho it's Ashleigh Noel said...

I miss your face. Come to my house again.