Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Multiple Choice Tests

Stand On Soapbox...
I have been in college for almost 4 years. 3 of those were spent in the amazing tundra of Rexburg and for the last 2 semesters I have been at the U of U. When I was in Rexburg there was this great place called the Testing Center where students would go and take Multiple Choice Tests with a #2 pencil and a scantron. Even at the U of U, the past 2 semesters, the instructors issue in-class exams that are Multiple Choice. But this semester I only have one teacher that even has a multiple choice section followed by 2 essay questions. The other ones expect us to memorize the 40 pages of reading they give us every night and then write extensive essays about it 3 weeks later. As you can tell I am very upset about this as I sit and catch up on the reading I procrastinated, yes I do know this is my own fault, and prepare for my first Exam this semester and wonder if anyone else feels this way?
Step Off Soapbox.....


Jessica said...

I love the "soap box"! You will do well just keep studying. Remember rule out as many as you can and then CHOOSE!

Kayla R. said...

ok I only lasted 2 semesters of college, so i cant say much but good luck!!! ha h aha