I had another great summer of waterskiing. I had about 8 sessions with the NAC while I was in Utah and even made a special trip back to try some more. The first several times were frustrating and COLD but after I flew back in August I was able to get out of the water and actually stand up. The last day I stood up and STAYED UP.... it was AMAZING. Now that I can do it off the boom-bar I hope to master deep water skiing... next summer!
This is Erica, she was always in the water with me. She is amazing and pretty much my new best friend. She has the patience of a saint and is so positive.
This is the amazing Kristen who is director of the ski program and drove the boat throughout the sessions!
I had plenty of support throughout the summer. Jess was a champ and came with both kids. My mom and meg also came different times. But of course the time I got up and stayed up, no one was there!
4 years ago
So awesome!! That is just amazing!
Great post and some really useful tips there. I love resource lists like this. Have social bookmarked it in the hope that others can also benefit.Custom Logo Design
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