I didn't make a resolution to be a better blogger.... I knew it wouldn't happen!
But I did make a resolution to exercise for 45 min a day 6 days a week. Its the 27th and so far so good, minus 2.
I also gave up sweets... I LOVE sugar. Me and Buddy the Elf are 2 peas, 1 pod. But I did it... kind of. Maybe I didn't eliminate it but I have totally cut back! Like to the point of covering my mouth and nose in the presence of doughnuts (that was a rough day)!
I am in it for 12 weeks. We will see. So far its slow and painful. After 12 weeks I get to quit and sit on the couch like a bum everyday after work! Sounds exciting but I am sure it will work cause i've already lost 5 lbs so that day will never come!
Since I gave up all things I love I have improvised with a few things that help the cravings. I eat fat free strawberry cream cheese with graham crackers and carrots with peanut butter. It has really gotten me through some tough days!
P.s. I tried to post pictures it won't let me!
4 years ago