Friday, August 28, 2009

New Apartment

The Biggest thing that has happened this month is that I have moved into my very own apartment! I LOVE living alone . After years and years of great and crappy roommates I am not only ready to write a book about it but also ready to live ALONE. It was a bit of an adjustment but I really do love it now. My mom/family hates it and think I live in the GHETTO but its Sugarhouse not Kearns, I think I'll be ok! As you can see it needs some decorating help but it will come together soon enough!

Lake Powell

So I haven't had the Internet for awhile and I have been really busy but here are some pictures of Lake Powell! We had so much fun! I hadn't been in about 4 years and have missed it so much!

On the way home we stopped in Bryce Canyon. I had never been there and it was BEAUTIFUL!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kenny Chesney!

A few weeks ago Shellie and I went to see Kenny.... Again! It was AMAZING as always!!!! Ridiculously hot but amazing nonetheless. I seriously love him! Ha Ha!